White Americans creep me out with their strong belief in this fiction of whiteness. It’s not hard to see why I am creeped out, and some days, totally stressed and insecure because they are always killing and maiming someone whether via a vigilante, police, politician passing some stupid racist law, or just random white people being everything from micro aggressive to murderous! I found myself looking at a white guy in the grocery store that looked like the train murderer in New York, Penny, and watching him for fear he would just attack me randomly and strangle me because he believes he could become a millionaire and nothing will happen to him.
I guess the majority of white-believing folks come from a strain of European violent peasant class as Thomas Sowell writes in Black Rednecks and White Liberals, or maybe it’s just that since they took the land by violence and genocide against indigenous people, and built it violently on the backs of enslaved people, they only know violence to try to keep control of it.
I have white friends in Europe and it was much more relaxed to deal with them. I wonder how I will be with my European friends now that America has fully opened my eyes to the demonic glory of Americanized racism. European racism is less aggressive, but America influences the world, so things may have changed since I left Europe.
Thanks for the article.