The take away from this is for me that they are completely emboldened now. They do not fear any repercussions and in fact want it to be publicly seen and heard what savagery they are made of. I am surprised they did not force the whole restaurant to watch.
It also means that they have been likely doing this for years in private. Now they feel that they have enough government, police, legislative, and personal ammunition power, to be open because they are safe to do so. These are the people ejected from Europe hundreds of years ago who have kept their European traditions of suffering humans for entertainment (recall the Colosseum in Rome). Now they are in this land unbridled and with the full power and support of the laws and government they set up on stolen land. Their belief will destroy the country, but they don’t care. All that matters is that they feel superior to someone else so they can feel something. America, and by extension, the world is headed back to primitivity with this behavior, unless we act now and stop being complacent.
Any politician who condones this behavior is not qualified to hold office. These people should be investigated immediately and tried for racial hatred crimes. We must drive them back to their hidden caverns.