Thanks! Your article brilliantly articulates the current troubling trend where Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs, originally designed to rectify historical injustices and promote fairness, are being contorted into tools of division and exclusion by those clinging to outdated, supremacist ideologies. I am certainly disappointed that we can come to this depth of fantasy. This misappropriation of DEI narratives to justify racism and maintain white privilege is both alarming and deeply ironic. By asserting that any advancement of Black individuals or other minorities into positions of influence or authority, or even a job that a white person believe they should have, is somehow an undue consequence of DEI—rather than a reflection of merit and capability (which it typically is)—detractors are not only discrediting the legitimate achievements of these individuals but are also promoting a dangerous form of discrimination that is destructive to society. Again, we want to misallocate Human Resources and not put the best people in the appropriate position because of a belief that some people have in race! Really!? White people prefer "white affirmative action" to ensure power remains entrenched within a singular demographic, irrespective of competence or qualification, under the guise of fighting a misconceived racial injustice. It is essential, now more than ever, that we challenge this distorted narrative. We must highlight the reality that, even with DEI initiatives, racial minorities often remain underrepresented and underrewarded in many sectors. Any Black person knows the saying that they have to work 10 times as much for the same recognition and pay. The struggle for genuine equity is far from over; in fact, it is met with renewed resistance in the form of these manipulative tactics. As a society, we cannot afford to regress into a state where meritocracy is overshadowed by entitlement and fantasy in whiteness. The path forward must involve a sincere commitment to equity and inclusion, recognizing the inherent value and potential of every individual, regardless of race. We must work together to dismantle these baseless narratives, advocating for policies and practices that truly reflect the principles of real DEI, ensuring equal opportunities for all. Thank you for shedding light on this critical issue. It's through such insightful discourse that we can hope to confront and overcome these challenges, fostering a more just and equitable society for future generations. Keep writing! MK