Thanks, Rebecca. I know what you went through because I experience an identical white boss. A society that believes in whiteness mass produces them.
I dealt with the stress I was under by writing my experience in notes that eventually became a book about my thoughts on Economic Racism, and how we should deal with people like him. I offered solutions at the employee level all the way to federal policy.
I too left the job because it was denigrating my physical and mental health. I had to leave before it turned violent as I would be the one persecuted and he would be rewarded even further.
The one thing I keep preaching is that mine and your boss’s behavior were not because we are black, it’s because they believe in something as ridiculous as “race” and “whiteness.” The emotional and financial impact on you and me may be the same, but we do not internalize the problem when we understand that it comes from them. You and I can’t change our complexion, but our bosses can come to their senses and change their racist behavior.
To reiterate, it’s not because we are black that they are racist. They are racist because they hold on to a myth of superiority in whiteness, not in strength of character exhibited by a behavior that recognizes people based on their merit, rather than skin color.
How sad it is that these guys have ruined people’s career and lives. How sad it is that they miss out on genuinely knowing good people who happen to have brown skin. Society losses our ingenuity and output because of them. They are flawed human beings for believing in something so stupid. We are not flawed for being ‘black.’