Thanks Manny.
The MAGA aka MAWA crowd believe wholeheartedly in their whiteness. Those beliefs are so pervasive in all our lives, many of us are brainwashed and think that with some light brown skin, we could aspire to be white, have all the access that they have to resources, and so, join the band wagon of castigating others who do not believe in whiteness.
I have black friends, husband and wife who voted for Trump because they are bible believers. They also go to Cleflo Dollar mega church and tithe their 10% every week to a man with a $65m plane, so I have no sympathy for them anymore.
We have those idiots in our family and Trump and his minions knew that and played the game. Now he has power, he and the MAWA folks can show them that they are the real undesirables. I don’t even care if they now realize they have been duped. Besides, some will make excuses and still believe in whiteness and MAWA contrary to their interests.
They have already caused major damage to the country and themselves and me. The man and his followers never keeps a secret of how they will destroy the country. They say it loud and proud and people still vote for that?! Madness!!!
I have to see how to preserve me and people like me, since I can’t do it on my own in this mess.