Thanks for your comment. Understanding the focus on skin color involves recognizing its historical and systemic impact on individuals' lives. You are right. Skin color should be irrelevant in a fair society. But you and I don't live in a fair society. Unfortunately, beliefs in racial differences influence opportunities, perceptions, and experiences due to people's firm conviction in "whiteness". You are right again when you said that personalities are not defined by skin color, yet societal treatment often varies based on this characteristic. The notion that claims by Black people of being "overqualified" are disconnected from racial bias underestimates the complexity of subtle discrimination and implicit bias. It's essential to acknowledge these nuanced realities to move towards true equity. Discrimination towards any group based on skin color is indeed ridiculous. Striving for a world where individuals are judged by their actions and character, not their appearance, is a shared goal that requires confronting and dismantling biases, not denying their existence.