Thanks, Allison. As usual, a great article.
People who believe in their whiteness religion need constant reinforcement, including in imagery, that it’s real and that they are superior, even in fictitious stories.
Without that constant reinforcement (in movies, magazines, billboards, politics, ownership, leadership, kings and queens, any happy family image), they start seeing cracks in their belief and mentally , and thus cracks in their sanity.
I say we make even more TV shows and movies and continue to show Black people in a positive light (not just enslavement or other suffering movies, which the white people love), so we open that fissure in the real myth of the world–whiteness.
I say this almost facetiously—someone has to rescue them from this delusion of whiteness. They have no incentive to volunteer to not be white anymore, so it’s up to those who don’t believe in it to save them–if they are worthy!