My wife did her masters at SCAD in Savannah, GA. When she handed in her thesis plan to her white advisor, he ridiculed her about her focus and suggested she was in the wrong profession. Her student loan now included a masters degree. She decided to go back to school after she was was the first and only black person on her team to get laid off from a corporate job in furniture design. Her initial degree was in industrial design and engineering, a double major.
An unfortunate event saved her. She took a break from school after that incident with her thesis advisor to take care of a sick relative. By the time the relative passed away and she went back to school, she got a new thesis advisor who supported her, actually advised her and helped her through her project to graduate. Many more black women, and even more bmen fall by the wayside with this attempt to weed away black academics. How unfortunate for America as it harms the country!