I early-voted already and the choice was a no brainer. The contenders are not hard to decide on. Contender 1 is someone who is competent, not a criminal, promotes love not hate, violence and war, and a decent human being. Lots more than I have time to mention. Easy!
Her contender is a felon, rapist, fraudster, racist, misogynist, disloyal to the country, gangster in his shakedown of a country at war (Ukraine, if we forget) attempted a coup, cannot speak English coherently or any other language. His record as a former president: a daily disaster of scandals where the beneficiaries were fired or quit staff members who got to write books on the chaos. He was a bumbling president that got people, regardless of race or whether or not they supported him, killed during a global pandemic. His resume? Failure! Not hired!
The list may seem long for someone applying for president. I have not exhausted the list of foibles that make him unqualified to water your plants, much less be our president.
But all these opinions and many others who also believe it’s a no-brainer to vote for this person this elections does not matter to the many, probably STILL 50% of the population, who would rather see this guy in the WH or watch the country burn with them in it first, before accepting a brown woman as president.
It would go against centuries of beliefs and imaginations in white supremacy and not to mention the patriarchy all in one go. All this is happening in their collective heads. I doubt her win would put a dent in either the patriarchy or racism. Evidence, Obama’s (biologically a half white man, I might add) win incited more open racism, not less. His win, brought us a Trump! White supremacy suddenly felt oppressed. They worry that this whiteness thing may be meaningless if brown people progress despite centuries of open and hidden oppression, minstrelsy marketing and violence.
So, I hope Harris wins. It’s a reprieve while the imagine structure of a white supremacy society simmer like lava, worried about losing whatever they imagine losing in their zero-sum mindset.
Frankly, either way, on a larger long term scale—beyond our lifetime—we are at a turning point in society. America is an empire witnessing its sunset. Like Roman’s and Greeks and Ottomans before it, internal instability, when its own people fight against themselves, empires always crumble. The principle holds for any organism. Internal battles do not fortify you for external warfare—they weaken you.
Anyway, I got away with myself. Thanks for writing. Follow me for more of these types of analyses.