Every news cycle seems to be a whirlwind of chaos and intentional dismantling of the United States institutions, laws, systems of government and competence.
Even the military is shattered with Trump putting unqualified people over every aspect of government.
I am reading “The Road To Unfreedom” by Timoty Snyder, and it looks and feels like as the author said, an orchestrated attempt by Russia to use someone like Trump and Musk to dismantle The 🇺🇸 and all it stood for.
With few institutions, Democratic Party paralysis and people reeling from a daily onslaught of the demolition of democracy, we will have a long and hard road to come back from this.
We think the financial crisis of 2008 and the Great Depression of the 1930s was bad? What’s next? Wait for the government to start mass arrests and disappearing people with few institutions to stop them. A constitutional crisis is far worse!
Sadly, the greatest weakness of America has been its exceptionalism, the complete belief that its systems are infallible in a perfect state. It might help to explain why most people are doing so little to stop this. Others who see where it’s going are already afraid and hoping to survive by complying.