America’s Racial Wealth Gap: Why It’s Still Widening and What We Can Do

Understanding the Structural Barriers That Keep Black and Brown Communities from Building Wealth

Martin Kush


We see the wealth gap as we travel from one neighborhood to another.

I was watching a YouTube video with a presentation by Abhijit Banerjee, an MIT Professor of Economics, about the future of inequality. In summary, he said, poverty is increasing, and really rich people have so much money that they are spending it making rockets to go to Mars. Intuitively, many people know that poverty is increasing. He said much more, so I will leave the link at the end so you can view it and comment. I think he skirted around the racial wealth gap because he was trying to be politically correct, and he is also from a caste system. Even if he seemed to dislike it, he benefited.

The racial wealth gap in the United States remains one of the most enduring and troubling aspects of economic inequality. Despite civil rights advancements and efforts to level the playing field, the gap between the wealth of White households and that of Black and Brown households continues to widen. This is influenced by various factors, including some policies and decisions that are perceived to be eroding the progress made in addressing economic inequality. Let’s explore the root causes of this disparity, examine why it persists today, and outline…



Martin Kush

Author exploring social justice, the economics of racism, and history. Empowering readers to understand and challenge systemic inequalities.