America on the Brink: Is Civil War Inevitable After 2024?

We are a deeply divided country. Can a Democratic win in 2024 prevent the nation from tearing itself apart?

Martin Kush


Photo by Konrad Ciężki:

I watched the 2024 version of the Civil War movie the other day. It was shocking because it felt like we were not far from making that fiction a reality.

The looming threat of civil war in America is not a distant possibility; it’s a reality that feels increasingly inevitable. The deepening divisions in our society, stoked by politicians who thrive on exploiting these fractures, have brought us to the brink. As Barbara F. Walter’s Time Magazine article expertly observes, Donald Trump is a master of this game — what they call an “ethnic entrepreneur” who has skillfully used individuality and identity politics to galvanize his base, forcing a wedge deeper into the soul of our nation.

Trump’s rise to power was built on a foundation of division, fear, and racial hatred. His rhetoric, policies, and actions have consistently targeted marginalized groups, painting them as threats to the “real” America — white-believing, Evangelical Christian, and male. Even some misguided Black men think they are included in this club because the patriarchy blinds them. They miss the “white-believing” part or believe with their vocal support…



Martin Kush

Author exploring social justice, the economics of racism, and history. Empowering readers to understand and challenge systemic inequalities.